Just for You
Thank you for your financial and social support in these economically demanding times! Your Annual Museum Membership enables MMoFA to preserve the historic legacies of visual art masters and to enhance the daily life of children, families, and visitors in Middle Georgia by exposing them to art with the quality, originality, and the timelessness that form the hallmarks of great art.
With enormous gratitude for your vote of confidence in our Museum Mission,
the MMoFA Team
Join/ Renew Today and Support Your Local Art Museum Cultural Asset.
Members Only Reception
June 15 6pm
At the Museum
RSVP by June 10
A Heart for Art
New Members Reception
February 14, 6-9 pm
RSVP 706-485-4530
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Join the MMoFA team of individuals, corporations, and groups locally and worldwide who support MMoFA's efforts to bring art history to life and serve as a medium between the visual art masters and contemporary culture. MMoFA Membership is a great way to make new friends and support the Museum at the same time! MMoFA offers a variety of Membership programs with one that is sure to suit you. Join Today!