
MMoFA continually seeks additions to our outstanding group of volunteers! There are many ways to become involved and create an atmosphere of creativity and excitement. Scheduling is no problem. Make a commitment of hours, days, weeks per month that you can dedicate to us. Identify your area of expertise and we'll place you in an area of need that best suits you. Or better yet, choose the project area(s) that excite you.

Docents- Learn fun and intriguing facts about the permanent collection and changing works on display at the Museum. Become a specially trained volunteer who can lead Museum tours that offer visitors new ways of looking at art. And help bring smiles to the visitors who purchase items in our lovely Museum Store.

Educators - We need volunteers to work with our Education Department assisting with art classes and summer art camps.

Nail & Patch - Individual(s) who are able and willing to patch and paint walls between exhibitions and to help hang new exhibitions.

MuseumStore - Volunteers perform merchandise sales, gift-wrapping as requested and some merchandise arranging.

Garden Angels

The MMoFA sculpture garden is a work in progress and we invite you to contribute plants, works of art, and time to keep the Museum filled with fresh greenery and develop the outdoor garden.

Internships - Call Director Michele Bechtell @ 706-485-4530

Marketing/ Public Relations Support
Help us build awareness of our MMoFA throughout the state of Georgia and bring traffic to our special place!

Annual Family Day
One benefit of a Family Museum Membership is Family Day at the Museum.

If you possess a special talent in the performing arts, let us know! We can always need musicians, mimes, storytellers, actors, and dancers to help bring art history to life!

Annual Benefit Auction
To reach our goals, we need clever and unusual auction items including art, antiques, vacation packages, personal services, and gift certificates to popular locations. We accept virtually any donation of every kind and size. We also need organizers and event coordinators. To offer items for auction or discover how you can help, call 706-453-4530.

Programming Committee
Help us design an enlightening program series for our Calendar of Events to transport visitors through time and space and increase appreciation for visual art history. Call 706-453-4530 to help.

Cookbook Committee
We are compiling our first Museum coobook. To find out how you can help...and do a little tasting along the way, call 706-485-4530.

If you can give your precious time to assist us, please call 706-485-4530. We look forward to meeting you!

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Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
Support MMoFA Today!
Sign up for Yoga Classes


Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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