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Giving to MMoFA

MMoFA offers unparalleled opportunities to discover art and other cultures we may never visit in person. It delivers changing exhibitions and education programs, lectures, dance, musical performances, family and children's programs, permanent collection galleries and outdoor teaching gardens.

MMoFA relies on your generosity and that of others to make such engaging educational and social experiences possible. Your charitable contributions support education and outreach initiatives, facilities, exhibitions, collections and virtually every aspect of the museum's mission.

When you make a tax-deductible gift to MMoFA, you exemplify your commitment to bring art and culture into the lives of countless people whether it be through a simple online donation, a contribution to the Annual Fund, Friends of MMoFA, Collectors Society, or Corporate Membership programs

MMoFA offers many opportunities to engage in educational and social activities for life long learning and connection to immediate and international communities. Support MMoFA today with a financial or in-kind Donation, Membership, Volunteer, Docent service, or Raffle Ticket. Join a MMoFA Art Book Club or Yoga to travel through time and space to enjoy the legacies of the visual art masters.

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
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Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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