Become Art Smart

MMoFA Art Card Available at the Museum front desk. A MMoFA Art Card makes it easy to include MMoFA events as class or extra-credit assignments. Each time you attend a MMoFA Art Card event, your card will be stamped. Participants receive up to four gifts from the Museum: 3 events=free poster; 7 events=free notecards; 10 events=free catalogue; 15 events=free t-shirt. Contact [email protected] or call 706-485-4530.

MMoFA BookClub

Junior Read

Learn intriguing facts in the lives of visual art masters, quirky habits of famous art collectors and museum founders, and intrigues of art thefts and art mysteries that remain unsolved to this day! Join the MMoFA Junior Book Club for awesome fun! Contact [email protected] or call 706-485-4530 to join an exploration team... for an adventure in the read!

MMoFA Art Camp

MMoFA offers a unique and memorable camp experience for curious youth all year long. Camp participants create art, gain inspiration from the Museum’s galleries, and explore downtown on field trips. For prices and dates email [email protected] or call 706-485-4530. Partial scholarships available.

Student Internships

MMoFA offers student projects in all academic subjects and academic levels. Home School student Rachel Gallagher served as Museum docent for four years. Kennesaw State University student Debbie Thompson designed a MMoFA PR portfolio for her graphics design course. Emily Rawlins of UGA conducted artist interviews for a Museum publication. Call MMOFA 706-485-4530 or email [email protected].

Counselors in Training! Ages 14 to 18

We're seeking responsible teen volunteers ages 14 to 18 to become Counselors-in-Training (CITs) at MMoFA's on-site and off-site summer camps. MMoFA Camp is an awesome way to spend part of your summer to learn about art, education, and museums. You can also add community service to your national junior honor society, national honor society, resume and college applications. Deadline for CIT applications is May 1. A program participation fee of $100.00 is payable on acceptance into the program. CIT Questions? Contact Michele Bechtell, Museum Director, at 706.485.4530 or email [email protected] .

E-Luminate Library

View engaging multi-media E-Lessons created by young people to teach other young people select K-12 lessons across a variety of subjects inlcuding math, science, and langauge arts. call 706-485-4530 to add your E-lesson creation more

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
Support MMoFA Today!
Sign up for Yoga Classes


Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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