Laughter is a miracle medicine. It's a gift from God that every family deserves to share with loved ones. MMoFA offers a safe endearing recreational setting to build a rich “museum of memories.” So, take a mini-vacation to MMoFA. Make memories that will refresh, revitalize, and remain with you and your loved ones for generations to come.
Bring Your Children to MMoFA. A friendly docent will greet you at the door and offer the assistance you need. Ask for a Family Guide and Art Discovery Basket at the Front Desk. Then head for our Film Corner for some quite time where you will learn intriguing facts about the lives of famous artists. Explore the Sculpture Garden. Look for butterflies in the Butterfly Garden. Make a wish, and throw a penny in a sculpture fountain. And watch colorful fish swim in the water lily garden. Take a Break at the MuseumCafé. Then Shop our MMoFA MuseumStore for an affordable souvenir of your Museum visit. The Museum is designed to provide sufficient time and opportunity to enjoy insightful, transforming, and confidence building art history experiences. Stroll the Museum. Breathe in with your eyes. Listen with your heart. And let famous visual art masters transform your life.
Bring your family more than once! Make MMoFA a habit! Repeat visits demystify the Museum experience, increase sensitivity to art, and build comfort with objects and images. If you or a loved one is sad or discouraged, tired or bored, stressed or need spiritual refreshment, visit MMoFA! We may fell too sick to go to work, but we are rarely too sick to go on vacation. So stop! Take a break. Take a mini-vacation to MMoFA, and get refreshed! Let MMoFA help you and your family build a “museum of memories.” It’s FREE!
To discuss your family needs or report obstacles in visiting MMoFA, call 706-485-4530 or email [email protected] .