"In eleven years of teaching, I had never taken a class to any museum because the whole process seemed too overwhelming!.., the experience was fast, fun-filled, energetic, insightful, and rewarding for my students and me!” ”Elementary School Art Teacher, Morgan County, Georgia

The Fourth "R"


The history of visual art is more than the history of beauty. It records man’s intuitive, authentic, and emotional response to the scientific and "undiscussable" dynamics of the times. Equally important to scientific knowledge where single correct answers and rules prevail, the visual arts teach that other dynamic complex situations require a willingness to integrate new information when the limits of language and science do not complete all that what we can know. When we develop the intellectual skills, habits, and confidence to engage in dialog about visual art, we advance life long learning and the enlightenment of mankind.


To reduce real and perceived barriers to art history education, MMoFA provides “lively” interactive learning experiences that:

  • increase sensitivity to visual art,
  • refine the power of visual analysis,
  • teach the great traditions of visual art,
  • develop critical assessments of diverse works,
  • enhance appreciation for the permanent collection,
  • demonstrate how visual art history informs and enriches contemporary life
  • reveal what makes an iconic visual art master
  • inspire life long learning
  • nourish the mind, strengthen the heart, and refresh the spirit.

HOW We Teach Art History

MMoFA uses five teaching principles to bring art history to life.

  • intimacy,
  • imagination,
  • vitality,
  • originality, and
  • inter-disciplinary perspective

MMoFA strives to provide sufficient time, proximity, and opportunity to nurture fresh, insightful, and transforming art history experiences. We leverage the powers of story and image to reveal the rich content of visual art masterpieces. We stimulate all senses to increase receptivity and retention of inter-disciplinary studies for life long learning.

WHO are the Masters

To bring art history to life, MMOFA aims to:

• transport viewers through time and space to promote ‘dialogue’ with a visual art master
• present master artists and their works as not yet finished with this world

• demonstrate the socio, political, and economic contexts art masters influenced in their life times
• identify the aspects of contemporary life they inform today

• demonstrate the quality, innovation, and timeless hallmarks of fine art
• inspire people to live in a more mindful, compassionate, constructive way for the benefit of mankind

The MMoFA Curriculum Toolbox

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Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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