MMoFA offers individuals, corporations, foundations, and organizations diverse opportunities to support its charitable activities. Sponsorship provides charitable giving (with public recognition) and creative engagement with the Museum to produce high quality exhibitions, events and educational programs for the community. Click here to donate online. MMoFA will enthusiastically work with you to design a sponsorship that accomplishes your unique objectives including marketing and promotional needs.

Business Partnerships
Let MmoFA help your business connect with the community.

  • Direct access to an influential audience
  • High profile corporate recognition
  • Valuable targeted visibility
  • Advance community development
Benefits can include
  • A prestigious partnership with the only fine art history museum in Middle Georgia
  • An association with quality, innovation, and diversity with community recognition
  • Exhibition title wall recognition
  • Exhibition opening reception sponsorship
  • Name/logo recognition in advertising and publicity
  • Recognition in invitations, announcements, and brochures
  • Annual Program recognition
  • Recognition in the MMoFA members newsletter and Corporate Spotlight
  • Recognition on the Museum's web site
  • Annual membership to the museum

Annual Fund Donation
Your generous support of the MMoFA Annual Fund, in addition to your annual membership dues, assures the continued growth of the MMoFA's collections, endowment, teaching gardens, educational programs, and special projects. Your support will enrich your life and the lives of your children, grandchildren, employees, and friends for years to come.

A donation to MMoFA is a meaningful way to remember and honor friends and loved ones and support the Museum's effort to preserve and enhance the cultural amenities of Middle Georgia. Gifts can support the Acquisitions Fund to purchase of a work of art for the Museum's collection or be designated for other purposes as the donor desires.

By making a bequest to MMoFA, you will assure, through your generosity, that the Museum will provide future generations with enrichment and enjoyment. Consult with your legal and financial consultants to assure the terms and conditions of your gift best suit your needs.

With so many opportunities to choose, you are sure to find a MMoFA project you feel passionate about supporting. All contributions to the MMoFA, a 501(c) 3 organization, are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. For information on how you can provide sponsorship or make a donation contact Michele Bechtell, Museum Director at 706-485-4530 or [email protected] .

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
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Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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