
7 Objects/Countless Stories

Listen to an insider’s perspective of 7 endearing works of art from the Museum curators, local artists, and writers.

Free Drop-in Tours

Enjoy free guided tours at MMoFA! All tours start in the Lobby unless otherwise noted. For information on tour topics and times, visit our online Calendar.

Treasures at MMoFA
Saturdays, 11:30 a.m. & 2 p.m.
Get to know highlights in MMoFA’s collection in this 45-minute Docent-led tour. Reservations required. Call 706-485-4530.

Sunday Shorts
Sundays, 2:30 p.m.
Discover the wonder of a single work of art or gallery in this half hour Docent-led tour. Reservations Required.

Group Tours

Docent-led tours last approximately one hour and can be tailored to the needs of each group. Docent-led tours are free for MMoFA Members and $5 per person for non-Members. Advance reservations are required. A full, non-refundable payment must be received the day of the visit. Call 706-485-4530.

Self-Guided Tours

Bring your group to enjoy MMoFA together. Leaders of self-guided groups may lecture in the galleries, but guided tours have priority over the objects and the spaces. Self-guided tours are free.

School Tours

Free guided tours led by MMoFA Docents are offered to school groups. For more information contact 706-485-4530, or visit the Educators portion of the web site.

Let the MMoFA Come Speak to Your Group!

Do you belong to a group that hosts regular meetings, such as a Garden Club or Community Association? Ask MMoFA to come speak to your group! Various slide packages are available. For more information, please contact us at 706-485-4530 or [email protected]


Whistler Butterfly Garden Podcast
Go butterfly hunting inside and outdoors all year long at MMoFA. Explore "Harmony in White," MMoFA's memorial butterfly garden in homage to 19th century visual art master James Abbott McNeil Whistler.
Whistler podcast.wmv
Windows Media video format [3.8 MB]
Paradise Garden Podcast
Museum Director Michele Bechtell explains the symbolic Medieval garden symbols in MMoFA's Paradise Garden.
Mary Garden Podcast.wmv
Windows Media video format [14.3 MB]
Making Masters Podcast
Museum Director Michele Bechtell describes the genesis of MMoFA's annual Making Masters exhibition.
UGA MLB podcast.wmv
Windows Media video format [2.3 MB]
Winter Garden & Festival of Nations
Art collector and philanthropist Mallie Sharrafat describes her global perspective on art and the Winter Garden exhibition at MMoFA.
Windows Media video format [627.5 KB]

Video Tours

Shona Lecturette by Dr. Crispin Matsika
Member of the Zimbabwe Shona Tribe, Dr. Matsika of Georgia State University interprets sculptures in MMOFA's collection created by the founding fathers of the Shona art movement.
shona video
QuickTime video format [5.1 MB]

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
Support MMoFA Today!
Sign up for Yoga Classes


Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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