Shop and Dine

Please Note

The MMoFA MuseumStore is Temporarily Closed for Rennovations

'Elegant Affordable Objects of Fashion . . . for the home, office, garden and personal attire...

MMoFA features a Museum Store with art glass, hand-carved figures,

jewelry, and fine home furnishings. After touring the Museum, use

your shopping dollars to treat yourself of a loved one to a fabulous

memorable gift! Price plus shipping and tax. Call 706-485-4530 for

more information.

For convenience, at the Museum Store you can also

  • Purchase Event Tickets
  • Renew Your MMMoFA Membership
  • Make a Donation
  • Buy Raffle Tickets to support MMoFA's educational programming

Dining Options

Madison offers many options for your dining pleasure including dining at the Museum with advance reservations. The Museum provides a perfect facility rental venue for cocktail receptions, birthday parties, and luncheons, all in a gracious setting where you and your guests can enjoy fascinating artworks at your leisure. The Museum also features a brick enclosed terrace next to the domed courthouse on the town square and a large green space for lawn parties and barbeque in view of the architecturally magnificant courthouse and historic Rose Cottage and Rogers House museums and picket fence garden. Call today to learn more about the Museum Rental and catered events. 706-340-8395.

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
Support MMoFA Today!
Sign up for Yoga Classes


Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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