Rythm in Art: On the Move

MMoFA Hosts

Free Outdoor Concert

“Rhythm in Art: On the Move”

A public experience new in the entertainment field

Dynamic Visual Art Effects

next to Courthouse on Town Square

Music and Video Art to Entertain and Inform

co-curated by

Museum Director Michele Bechtell and

Ernest Rogers

expert in museum studies, anthropology, art, and music


world, new age, jazz, rhythm & blues, rock, and country

indigenous to different nations for public enjoyment

At Dark

video monitors, visuals, and digital effects of artworks in museum collection

synchronized to international music for enhanced interpretation of the art

Tables and chairs provided for BYOB

The event will entertain the public and teach visual art history in an interdisciplinary style, a signature theme in MMoFA museum programming

A charitable educational art institution, MMoFA promotes the value of visual art education, teaches the great traditions of visual art, demonstrates how visual art masters nourish lifelong learning and enhance quality of life for families and travelers in Georgia.

300 Hancock Street Madison, Georgia 706-340-8395

Capital Campaign

Registered Blue Star Museum

Free Admission to US Military Families
Paul Wunderlich Raffle
Support MMoFA Today!
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Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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