MMoFA Lecture Series

For the next scheduled lectures by topic, call 706-485-4530 or email [email protected]

CONVERSATIONS WITH GENIUS. Let Vincent Van Gogh, Max Ernst, Salvador Dali, Eugene Delacroix and other visual art masters tell in their own words why they are not yet finished with this world.

OBSERVATIONS ON THE PERMANENT COLLECTION. Let our academic specialists explain the mysteries of the Museum’s 66 million year old ammonite fossil, share intriguing facts about our collection of Asian art and artifacts dating from the 3rd century, or summarize the innovative radon research of anarchist and Nobel Prize winner Frederic Juliot-Currie depicted in Picasso’s signed and numbered lithograph in the Museum’s permanent collection.

AFFAIRS OF THE ‘ART. Discover passionate romances and political intrigues that influenced visual art geniuses in history, and explore the gender, race, political, and power issues that changed their lives.

ART AND MUSIC. Attend musical performances in a relaxed and artful setting.

ART AND THE LAW. Learn famous art related court cases and the raging disputes among art experts of the 19th to 21st centuries including the trials of American art master James Abbott McNeil Whistler v. British architect and art critic John Ruskin, the modern Italian art genius Brancusi v. the United States Government, and contemporary Cuban artist DuBraque vs. Scotty’s Building Supply Company.

WHAT IS ART? Witness a round table of art experts debate “real” art including such questions as “Is photography art? Is ‘Installation art’ real art? Where is the line between art and pornography? Or let us engage your employees in a reading of the acclaimed three man play “Art” by Yazmina Reza.”

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Madison Museum of Fine Art
300 Hancock Street

PO Box 814
Madison, GA 30650

Phone: 706 485-4530
Email: [email protected]

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